
Do   22. Oktober 2020
Vorträge & Gespräche Freiburg Carl-Schurz-Haus
18:00 Uhr: America’s Reckoning: A Divided Nation Votes – Sumi Somaskanda

Aus der Reihe "Pandemie und Protest: Die USA im Wahljahr"

As the battle for the presidency enters the home stretch, Democrats and Republicans are locked in a bitter battle for the future of America. Political discourse has radi-

calized not only along the fringes of society, but right through the center, as well. Another term for President Donald Trump would embolden the incumbent to further pursue and implement the isolationist, ethno-nationalist course he has set so far, and further divide the country. The prospect of a Joe Biden presidency, however, raises more questions than answers: Biden would mark a return to the mores and expectations of an American leader, but the Democratic candidate has provided little shape to his vision for the country. In a narrow race to the finish, a number of issues – from voter repression to the coronavirus pandemic, identity politics, and race relations – will be decisive factors in shaping the outcome.

Sumi Somaskanda is a senior news anchor at Germany’s international broadcaster DW News (Deutsche Welle). She also works as a writer and editor for several magazines on politics, business, current affairs, immigration, and economics. She currently reports from Washington, D.C.

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Eintritt frei; Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Mit: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung & Colloquium politicum

Text: Veranstalter

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79098 Freiburg